Journal Name : TESS Research in Research and Reviews

Gyeongsang National University, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, Chinju 52828, Korea

Corresponding author: Xu R, Gyeongsang National University, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, Chinju 52828, Korea; E-mail:

Received date: 8 August 2024; Accepted date: 10 August 2024; Published date: 12 August 2024

Copyright: © 2024 Xu R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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The study for searching high technique and finding talents will occupy dominate position recently, hereby developing new quality product strategic plan urgently is able to be important and significant meaning whose function especially may promote renewable energy with lower contaminating one than tradition one sustainably. We should know how to make its part in department and to search in advance its wider function. On the other side, the stock and correlative talents should be emphasized enough because it is monitoring the current main capital behavior and indicator. New stocks trend will be processing with expert judging or mathematics simulation so as to promote its price vibration accuracy. Therefore, new quality product output whose role is able to low cost and high profit will play a dominant dedication to our society currently, even in future with zero carbon contamination. The correlative talents has been demanded in new quality product like quantum computer or recent super computer urgently and necessarily so finding them will become an important task for us to endeavour with constantly. High technique level has presented one country’s live quality criterion importantly, therefore developing it will be significantly meaning. No matter what it is hardware or software we must search for it and the new quality product sustainability? All the innovating ones can be processing new functional substantial and spiritual innovation that may exhibit results in future.
Keywords: high technique; study; talents; stocks; tendency; sustainability; new quality product



High technique level has presented one country’s live quality criterion importantly, therein developing it will be significantly meaningful. No matter what it is hardware or software we must search for it and largely develop it with sustainability? All the developing ones can be processing new functional substance and spirit innovation that may be exhibiting in recent future. The high technique and finance stocks can wield its effective role recently with developing more advanced cutting edge field demand that is an important task in front of our progress and innovation & reformation in modern society. The relevant achieving has been bringing over in current period which can propose new path to lead to high technique developing level with sustainability. Therefore, we should use the high technique to complete more sophisticated induction and task. The high technique as an important finding in solving matter rule and predicting some future experimental simulation and giving us commend towards more advanced method like some new finds in searching high technique field which could help us to prepare new materials in order to rapidly search steps and achieve its transformation and application. Cutting edge field world will be a new phenomenon where many researchers can process their theoretical inducing and build new path to approach the new thing and phenomena explanation. The new phenomena for us to utilize high technique achievement would be exploring and finding new application like promoting the main commercial purpose. So the new innovation technique level output like outpatient department in hospital whose role is to be low cost and high cure rate will play a dominant dedication to our society like current families even in future with sustaining high technique expertise. The key influence to high end one will suppose that the high educational talents know how to solve the difficulty who enable the intractability to change into simplifying one through deducing according formula gradually and eventually. The relevant talents has been demanded in high technique product like high technique and financial stocks expertise primarily and necessarily. So, in order to find them the recruiting works will occupy an important position for us to endeavor sustainably. For the sake of promoting society peace we should make much endeavour to process human resource working completely and in details. Wherever have they been the recruiting work shall be processing for helping talents to pursue their satisfactory work, meantime talents could be eligible to process their assigning work. If talents can not burden the work the resigning them has to be processed in light of their exhibiting capacity. So the procedure flow has to be established accordingly in order to wield optimizing work evaluation. On earth the destination has become efficient enough to proceed their assignment work and innovation largely. The financial reformation like stocks tendency could be processing with difference idea and mathematics method besides the principle for selecting, distinguishing, dealing stock through expertise instructing guidance. On the other hand, those high technique developing levels would be conducted by us in order to improve recent people life quality and satisfactory under new energy sustainability in near future [1-10].


Stock market trend

On August 1st, 2024 the recommended <Baihua Medi> increases strongly limiting; <Sichuan JiuZhou> increases too; <Sichuang Electron> increases strongly 8%; <Longzhou Limit> strongly increases as well; <Guozhong Water> increases limiting again after six continuous plates; <Weisi Dun> attains to impact 20CM increase limiting [1]. The main force enhanced position is about to know the main capital like’s individual stocks and plates for convenient grasping focus on time [2]. Table 1 show that the July achievement exhibition that <Beiba Medicine>, <Caoyue Tech> has attained the maximizing 20% amplitude of increase price with T+4(selling after four days of buying), T+3 correspondingly, meanwhile <Tiantan Bio> recorded negative -3.9% one in 2024. Others would maintain 9.3~16.9% price amplitude. <Jinming precise> increases strongly limiting; <Yanao Limit> has increased 15% ; <Fulin Transport> has increased three days with 16% ;<Saoyang hydralic> inceases three days with 20%. On Aug. 2nd, 2024 the internal pool golden one <Hangtian Tech> increases from 8.5 yuan to 11.3 yuan. So trainee Wang earns 925 yuan whilst trainee Sun earns 1,187 yuan. On Aug. 1st, 2024 that one increased 18% with anti-force and T+2(selling after two day of buying) with buying direct price 8.6 yuan and selling one 10.3 yuan.

Table 1: The stocks pool part case reviews in China.

Selective date name code period Space, %
July 19th Shanghai Sanmao 600689 T+4 15.4
July 22nd Weier Tai 002058 T+1 9.3
July 24nd Tiantan Bio 600161 T+4 -3.9
July 24th Zhonghuang Hailu 301040 T+2 16
July 25th Beiba Medicine 600386 T+4 +20
July 25th Caoyue Tech 301409 T+3 +20
July 26th Sanwei Uni 301159 T+3 12.7
July 29th China Satellite 601699 T+2 16.9

Stocks tactic and facts

This week mainly surrounds three main lines to process as below. 1. Policies pushing line: policies expectation and device update; 2. super decline bounding line: new energy and technique; 3. main operation: intelligence network appointment [3]. Intelligence little customer service could complete following skills. 1. About Jiufang chief operator Lao Wang; 2. Receiving <Hot focus on individual one>; 3. Receiving <Short term operational method>; 4. Solving the general matters.

  1. <Frame fighting method>: exhibiting individual stocks buying position indicator; 2. Master report conference: recruiting the internal industrial one; 3. Institution coming: keeping up with main one for stepping rightly market main line; 4. Mystery T+0: dividing time; 5. Institution tactic: current plate hotness focus; 6. <Solving deficit Wang>: suggesting high and low one for assisting you better to operate the deficit individual; 7. Free to the internal dealing one; 8. Position manager: monitor lively position changing; 9. End of plate capturing dragons: create ending plate pools for your ending operation buying and selling; 10. Main positions: knowing main capital liking ones for conveniently capturing live focus [5]. The intelligence quantization exchanging practice camp would include selecting time for buy and sell, practice teaching, stop profit& stop damage, quantization platform. It has been reported that recent stocks dealing status shown in Table 2 <Yatong Limited>, <Lekai Film>, <Xingguang Nongji>, <Haowu Limited> increase amplitude 31%, 20%, 19%, 18% within 2 days from selective date July 24th to July30th , 2024 correspondingly. [6] <Shuangcheng Pha> &<Heren Tech> increases beyond 5% both; <Baihua Med> increases 20% with two plates in two days; <Doushen Edu> has increased 10% and attains 20% with T+3(buy after 3 days sell);<Xingwang Yuda> has increased far beyond 20% with 3 days increase limiting continuously; <Hangtian Tech> increases far beyond 20% from the internal one 8.6 yuan to 12 yuan [6].

Table 2 The optimum choice case stocks in China exchange market.

Selective date Name Days Amplitude, %
July 22th Guohua Wangan 2 11.9
July 24th Beifang Limited 2 17.5
July 25th Lekai Film 2 20.2
July 26th Xingguang Nongji 2 19.6
July 29th Haowu Limited 2 18.2
July 30th Yatong Limited 3 31.3
July 31st Jinhe Entity 2 10.6
Aug 2nd Jiangxi Changyun 1 12.9

The recent stocks have been concluded as Table 2 which exhibits selective date from May to July in 2024 China stocks market.

Table 3 The stocks pool good ones in China

Selective date Names Code Increase space Benefit lines
May 6th Jiejia Weichuang 300724 -9 Chip+photovoltaic
May 13th Aofei Data 300738 15 computing+artificial intelligence
May 20th Debi Group 300947 19 New urbanization
May 27th Diangong Alloy 300697 13 Industry metal
June 3rd Shennan Elec A 000037 17 Virtual factory
June 17th Jingwang Elec 603228 19 Semi-conductor+PCB
June 24th Guolin Tech 300786 -7.7 Chip conception
July 1st Sanyou Lianzhong 300932 20 Electric net device

The stocks market status has included as Table 3 that can exhibit the recent Chinese market change. From the table the <Sanyou Lianzhong>, <Debi Group>, <Jingwang Elec> have increased 20%, 19%, 19% accordingly; <Shennan Elec A> has attained to increase 17% in the follow with benefit line of virtual factory; <Aofei Data> increases 15% with computing & artificial intelligence. That trend’s selective time is from May 6th, 2024 to July 1st, 2024 in China market. The negative increase would processed with chip and photovoltaic lines in <Jiejia Weichuang> &<Guolin Tech>.

University of Toronto ranking

The ranking of University of Toronto in Table 3 shows that its ranking stabilized from 2015 to 2019 had been about 20~28 position in world which has been a famous university in world. That expresses the average value was about to be 28 position. The position of University of Toronto would decrease somewhat within those years. [7]

Table 3 The world ranking on University of Toronto

Year World ranking Note
2019 28 University of Toronto
2018 31 ditto
2017 32 ditto
2016 34 ditto
2015 20 ditto

The world ranking of Canadian ones in 2017 has shown in Table 4 that indicates University of Canada would occupy No. 1 with 23 position and 41.6 score and then University of British Columbia will become No. 2 with 31 one and 37.7 score, the third one can be McMaster Univeristy and McGill University that occupies 66 and 67 correspondingly. The last one will be University of Alberta that becomes 101.

Table 4 World ranking of Canadian university in 2017.

National No. World No. Institution Total Score
1 23 University of Toronto 41.6
2 31 University of British Columbia 37.7
3 66 McMaster University 29
4 67 McGill University 28.9
5 101 University of Alberta


China cities ranking in first half of 2024 [8]

The city ranking in the first half year of 2024 in China would exhibit in Table 5 that explains the Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou city occupies from No. 1 to No. 4. Its comprehensive score can attain from 92.7 to 74.62 in turns. So the strong city is able to be observed through comprehensive one and GDP(Gross domestic product) value accordingly.

Table 5 The city ranking in the first half of 2024 in China.

No. City Comprehensive score GDP Value
1 Beijing 92.75 91
2 Shanghai 89.21 91
3 Shenzhen 78.83 86
4 Guangzhou 74.62 79
5 Hangzhou 74.53 71
6 Nanjing 72.18 72
7 Suzhou 70.55 79





The research for searching high technique and finding talents will occupy dominate position recently, hereby developing new quality product strategic plan urgently is able to be important and significant meaning whose function especially may promote renewable energy with lower contaminating one than tradition one sustainably. We should know how to make its part in department and to search in advance its wider function. On the other side, the stock and correlative talents should be emphasized enough because it is monitoring the current main capital behavior and indicator. New stocks trend will be processing with expert judging or mathematics simulation so as to promote its price vibration accuracy. Therefore, new quality product output whose role is able to low cost and high profit will play a dominant dedication to our society currently, even in future with zero carbon contamination. The correlative talents has been demanded in new quality product like quantum computer or recent super computer urgently and necessarily so finding them will become an important task for us to endeavour with constantly. High technique level has presented one country’s live quality criterion importantly, therefore developing it will be significantly meaning. No matter what it is hardware or software we must search for it and the new quality product sustainability. All the innovating ones can be processing new functional substantial and spiritual innovation that may exhibit results in future.


[1] Donganding-Asian Business Invest. & consult, August, 2024, Internet

[2] Hushunzhou–Summit key Counselor, August 1st, 2024, Internet

[3] Laohuang Staring plate &Cultivating gold, Aug. 1st, 2024, Internet

[4] Hushunzhou–Summit key Counselor, August 2nd, 2024, Internet

[5] Hushunzhou–Summit key Counselor, August 3rd, 2024, Internet

[6] Niusan Drill campus, Summit Finance, Aug. 3rd , 2024, Wechat, Internet

[7] 360 searching, 2024, Internet

[8] Tencent News, Agu. 5th, 2024, Internet

[9] Huizheng CJ, August 1st, 2024, Wechat, Internet

[10] Run Xu, Relations of Decay Constant and N/N0 in D Wave Molecule, Social Science learning Education Journal, 2020, 5(8), 289-292