Tess Research, a modern and innovative publisher of scientific journals provides free access to research articles and latest research information without any barrier to scientific community. Tess Research publishes peer-reviewed scholarly journals involving a wide range of academic disciplines. Publishing of journals is done through open access model that are available in online. All the journals from this organization will be freely distributed and the articles published by Tess Research follows creative common attribution license.

Tess Research is a non-profit scientific publishing organization which publishes high quality, peer-reviewed journals and makes them accessible openly to all the researchers, academicians and readers across the globe.

Tess Research is multidisciplinary open access publisher of manuscripts covering the fields of Science, Technology and Medicine. Tess Research helps researchers or academicians to publish their work and makes it accessible to diverse readers from all parts of the world.

  • Rapid Process: Open Access provides easy and unbiased sharing of information. Freedom from pay per use policy
  •  Unrestricted Access: The strict and blinded peer review improves the standards of the manuscript
  •  Double Blind Peer Review: Systematic and rapid process, which decreases the duration of the publication process
  •  Advertising: We promote your research, and support your goals of research
  •  Scientific collaboration: We provide a platform to join together and share the research ideas


  • Quick review process within 15 days
  • Articles with high quality PDF & HTML versions
  • Articles will be freely accessible to everyone immediately upon publication
  • To publish high quality Open Access journals after thorough review
  • To break all the barriers to the authors or to the readers and making the Open Access an affordable and user friendly platform of knowledge sharing
  • To provide unrestricted right to all the users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of these articles as long as the author and original source are cited

Uday Kiran KNV

Co-Founder & CEO