Journal Name : TESS Research in Research and Reviews

Gyeongsang National University, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, Chinju 52828, Korea

Corresponding author: Xu R, Gyeongsang National University, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, Chinju 52828, Korea; E-mail:

Received date: 24 April 2024; Accepted date: 26 April 2024; Published date: 28 April 2024

Copyright: © 2024 Xu R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Clean energy would take to play a newly innovative role so that the strategic diagram need to be given in the future. The collaborative operation would be pursuing in light of varying functional entities for completing a series reformative constitution in the high end products research and manufacture, as an important conclusion of whose strategic plan for satisfying those suggestions is needed to construct continuously. New talents are going to be welcomed for joining the national enterprise to push the highly educational people innovation and creation further in manufacturers and universities. Beyond c point with more 1,000 shares with the price 12 yuan the more profit would be arrived whilst the risk becomes higher. At the same time, the new subjects and sustainability will promote each other and mutually affect whilst the former has a basis effectiveness to the latter. New energy car owning good performance has afforded advantageous beneficial points, thereby it is needed to design and make cheaper than traditional ones at all.

Keywords: Principle; Developing sustainable economy; Stocks; price; High end product; Shares; Customer; Company; Atmosphere; Green finance; Sustainability economy


The stock exchange has been occupying more and more people interest, so that there is more stocks company to attract individual share in the society. In current situation the stock market would be prevalent with enhancing more and more people for joining the stock market to exchange. The important effective factor may be heavier than before. For the sake of satisfying this demand the principle would be supposed through scientific data from simulating method with quadratic function of mathematical numerous calculation which is established according to the microeconomics knowledge through proposing stock shares̖ labour and capital distribution. As for developing high quality sustainability economy is going to seize the opportunity through regulated each aspect of profiting allocation and especially in clean atmosphere one. In light of distributing those allocations the scientific one will be formed for improving parameters precision whilst the others would have included in increasing efficiency and declining cost. Only in those methods can the scientific modelling could be being attained for sustaining economy, finance and stocks development. The more high educational talents could have been demanded in future specially in institution of university, thereof the expertise training should be needed in scientific and technical institution of university & research and development division in a firm where the highest talents will be anticipated in near future. At the same time, the innovation subjects and sustainability will promote each other and mutually affect whilst the former has a basis effectiveness to the latter. New energy vehicle as promise one has to be made cheaply and own convenience and comfortability performance. The principle of dealing with the stock becomes key technological knowledge on middle price of stocks if the right stock could be chosen in light of the risk for stock business. On the other side, the corrective modelings could be used for analyzing every emphasis manufacturer price is precision well. To create technology and achievement transformation may improve green low carbon, energy enterprise and digital technique melting development. Maintaining key competition capacity may be enhanced in resource industry and circular economy. In current state, many sustainability economies would mutually affect and correlate with sustainability economy, stock and green financial new developments. They will wield accordingly other disciplines for creating new functional ones to teach and learn & search for further research from now on. The created one would be utilized for new direction to be searched in university firstly, and then it can be used in manufacturer after evaluating its cost and functional improvement [1-13].


Schematic modelling for choosing stocks

Figure 1: Schema between profits and shares in light of the profit line and total cost curve.

As shown in Figure 1 it may be shown the maximum profit has been attaining about 10, 000 yuan with owning 2,000 shares for 12 yuan buying price at the c point according to the modelling computations. Beyond that point with 2,000 shares the more profit would be arrived whilst the risk becomes higher, which was observed. The capital input will be an important factor for enhancing the stock price. The c, c′ & c′′ represents the intersection whose mean has been presenting that the profit may equal to the total cost while A, B & C presents those three points respectively in shares, its value will surpass the maximum cost & exceed the zero cost respectively. Thereby, the quantity more than c′ will be profiting more money whilst c′′ will be earning most money according to the modelling calculation of high stock prices with quadratic and linear equations as mentioned above. This paper would not ensure that the earning money must happen in light of the mentioned advice value since the risk should be prudential under much consideration. North Capital has indicated overseas institution investors primarily who own much capital and expertise research capability & collecting information teams. Since North Capital has been prior to domestic one step the smart capital may be named as A stock indicator [7]. China posts 5.3% growth in Q1 in 2024 whilst the figure includes in export and import a 5.1% increase, moreover that posts 6.1% increase compared with last year in light of China National Bureau of Statistics [10]. In light of expert the following will be happening. -Competitive products are vital to global economic growth; – Tech-intensive products drive trade momentum at Canton fair. 2024 Haina Expo event hosts over 4,000 brands from 71 countries and regions. On April 17th 2024 a stock three big indexes today totally regulates back. By the end of over Hu index declines 0.29%, Shencheng one declines 1.04% while growth enterprise index declines 1.76%. Hu and Shen two cities transaction exceeds 850 billion yuan and north capital today net selling above 6 billion yuan. Business plates increases little and declines much, mineral one̖ chemical fertilizer̖ engineer counselling̖ aerospace and astrospace̖ petrolum̖ gas increases in front while photovoltaic equipment̖ education̖ semiconductor̖ battery plate declines in front. Above would be plate exhibition and end summary will be as below. Today market fluctuate and regulates, periodical stocks again anti-force activity. Affection by international oil price increases oil and gas device plate today force increases like phosphorus chemical, military direction is active. However, plate exhibits increase and decline trend so market chasing high will still is going to be not sufficient. On the other side, technology and new energy becomes killing market mainly while consumption electronic, semiconductor, AI, photovoltaic etc divisional distribution declines at the front [11]. At the fluctuating market the focus on low air economy, achievement predicts in turns, thereby fitting to the step will be still key.

New energy cars

Table 1 would show the sale numbers of luxury car mode in Chinese market whose first is Wenjie M9 with sale number of 2,634 and then Audi A6L, Benz E, Benz GLC, BMW X5, BMW 5, Audi Q5L, Bens EQE, Lixiang MEGA in turns for more than 500,000 yuan within half a month in April 2024. the traditional car is going to be transformed to new electric one since the environmental matters and high cost & low efficiency, therein the conveniently electric car is able to raise gradually in world. For the sake of meeting that demands the new functional car and vehicle must be considerate over though the battery technological level is not so conveniently. There are many barriers still in front of us but the profitability could be high besides the environmental problem. China still insists in green reformation policies to boost that decision continuously which makes our endeavor to go on it. Since China has been largest vehicle market many oversea company still want to occupy our market, we must advocate and boost electric vehicle enterprises constantly. Now luxury car is still prevalent which can be understood Chinese car as a part of the international market. We is able to develop middle and small one for extending overseas market correspondingly. Since they has low cost totally and high demands overseas the plan could be realized by us in recent time. China has become number one car market and exportation country now, the exportation plan should be made and wield international maker position too. In luxury car Chinese one would occupy two position one is Wenjie M9, the other is Lixiang MEGA, which is too less. There is still big elastic space for us to pursue and complete in future. The Chinese middle and small car is going to boost new leading position through continuing creation and reformation like pure EV (electric vehicle) who occupies domestic market almost now. The continuous research may promote its international effectiveness for the sake of owning oversea order more which is beneficial to our country economic level. Decreasing chargeable time and enhancing lasting time is able to be successful in future besides lowering cost and raising efficiency ultimately. We should make pure EV continuously in order to ensure the advantageous position in world, which can be concluded in this paper. At the same time, fuel car will be made gradually to decrease on behalf of presenting properties for the conveniences, quickness, lasting more miles etc.. new energy car have to exhibit its beneficial behavior to all of us no matter what contradiction will happen to in near future.

 Table 1:  Sale numbers of luxury car mode for above 500,000 yuan in April 8th to April 14th, 2024 in China.


Ranking Mode Sale No
1 Wenjie M9 2,634
2 Audi A6L 2,270
3 Benz E 2,025
4 Benz GLC 1,290
5 BMW X5 1,246
6 BMW 5 566
7 Audi Q5L 534
8 Benz EQE 307
9 Lixiang MEGA 263

Talents for Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence may be said synchronous development with computer science and technology, however the emphasis has been various who is going to search and develop simulation, extend and expand human intelligence method, theory, technique and application science whose aim will be promoting intelligent robots like human being able to listen, look, say, learn, think and act. [12] The main《Control theory》may contribute to Wiener introduced feedback conception and defined feedback theory which played an important role to later self-adaption system and robotic learning development. Wiener has proposed that systematic theory conception and help scientists comprehend and design complicated and mutual action algorithm and model which has become modern AI basis. At the same time, Wiener has proposed as well information theory for understanding how to deal and transfer information to support theoretically basis. Thereby, 《control theory》may be regarded as AI field significant earliest theoretical book despite it is not especial to AI. It can understand many AI aspects including intelligent behavior simulation, automatic decision and robot learning algorithm design and reality plays on important effectiveness. 《Control theory》 has been written by famous mathematical scientist and philosopher Norbert Wiener in 1948 where he proposed control concept and deeply search control and information application to animal and robot including computer. Talents are about to wield their capability with their expertise in R &D department in company, especially in advanced expertise they could be playing their roles further. They should be developed more rapidly than others because they owned expertise knowledge and experience in same expertise. Moreover the artificial intelligence expertise enables them to pursue more high technological level for transforming their wisdom and ability into practical application such as designing certain functional software and making product with high end knowledge and using know how to realize innovation and creation. Many technique engineers might establish factory or product line to form chip with high end nanometer scale in domestic for the sake of winning their idealism and profitability. Thoughout there are most ones who can pursue R &D enterprise they will satisfy their knowledge and know how and dedicate their life to innovating and creating technology to be expertise. [Zhenhua Corp] big increases today with anti-force and increases 8% whose inner buying price attains 10.2 yuan and today the biggest one reaches 11.5 yuan. Mr. He positions to earn 1,990 yuan from joining Friday dealing service to now with spending about 25,000 yuan [4].


Through the principle for choosing right stock the parabolic function has been used for solving the basis problems for example the right stocks, the price, shares to transact exchange of stocks in this study. Through government making policies to guarantee and monitor its course could be finished collaboratively and correlatively with firms unit. With regard to strengthening the educated talents they should be expertise ability under college department speciality who is able to complete that task for a certain degree in R & D department. The primary task met in regional economic development should be planned with strategic diagram and applied to a series of various departments. Cooperative and initiative ability and aptitude whose standing is going to affect the innovation action indirectly would be demanded in high quality new productivity developmental one where the technologically innovative achievement transformation and industrial modernization would be attained. A investor has pursued transaction and attained 2,800 yuan of profit with 35,000 yuan investment and shares 2,800 under 15.2 yuan price for [Fengyuan Corp.] according to report on Internet, April 25th, 2024. At the same time, the interdisciplinary subjects would affect mutually with sustainable economy whilst the former can be based on the latter. New energy car is willing to be emphasized in future continuously who wields it effectiveness for a long while. Thereby its property must be robust like lasting miles and rechargeable time for affording performance advantageously, which is concluded in this study.


[1] Tencent News, Internet, April 18th , 2024

[2] Beijing Youth News, April 12th, 2024

[3] Yantai Evening News, April 17th, 2024, A08

[4] Run Xu, Sustainable Research for Developing Renewable Resource and Creating Its Industrial Reformation, TESS Res Res Rev, 2024, 2(1): 139

[5] Run Xu, The Principle for Developing Sustainable Economy And Stocks I. TESS Res Res Rev. 3(1): 141,TESS Res Res Rev, 2024, 3(1): 141

[6] AI Writing Assistant, App, 2024

[7] Donganding-Asian Business & Consultant Company, WeChat, April 9th, 2024, Internet

[8] Jeremy Rifkin, The third Industrial Revolution[M], China CITIC Press, 2012, 10

[9] Run Xu, The Principle for Developing High Quality Sustainable Economy Green Finance & Stocks XIII. TESS Res Res Rev. 3(2): 153.

[10] China 24, April 16th, 2024, CGTN

[11] Donganding-Yashang investment Corp, Tencent News, WeChat, April 17th, 2024.

[12] Tencent News, April 21st, 2024, Internet

[13] Baidu Baike, 2024, Internet