Journal Name : TESS Research in Research and Reviews

Gyeongsang National University, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, Chinju 52828, Korea

Corresponding author: Xu R, Gyeongsang National University, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, Chinju 52828, Korea; E-mail:

Received date: 20 June 2024; Accepted date: 21 June 2024; Published date: 23 June 2024

Copyright: © 2022 Xu R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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This paper discusses that the high technology talents will become dominantly source for us to cultivate them, so the more attention needs to pour into their training with sustainability. There are many subjects whose target may create innovative technological product serving our modern society, therein their capacity could be boosted again and again no matter what the situation meets like depressing temporarily and difficulty we can meet. So if the prospective is good the relatively searching has to process continuously like stabilizing mood to study and work. From all the aspects we could go on studying our research and investigating relevant field for the sake of attaining our new target and could be responsible for producing enough results and innovations. At the same time, papers in database will be enough utilized when we don’t know and acknowledge one thing in detail whose role may like lighter in darkness providing us enough confidence, so the cutting edge knowledge has to be obtained through indexing literature from library. We should refer to China academician of science and engineering who can lead to resent research difficulty continuously from past to future, so they must be treated with an emphasis and provide them the best conditions for them to search easily and comfortably. We should learn them for modeling their excellence in the relevant fields at all.

Keywords: Talents; Academician; Innovative; High technique; Study; Sustainably; stock; Market tendency



In modern society many high technique will be needed to innovate and promote our live quality and level through our continuous endeavour. Thereby the innovation will become more prevalent than before. The research also is entry new level and field to look for new mechanism for new function and new finding. With using those new ones the more excellent product would be created and applied to relevant performance on products. Then the new performance will be processing through certain assembling into product like motor, hydraulic system, circuit. Here key may be software and others will be hardware which may cooperate to work for the sake of completing its defining function with researching mutual coordination sustainably [1]. Academician talents have been significant in modern society who could finish complicated course to resolve the difficult problems often, for the sake of promoting society progress many those talents have to be needed urgently. Furthermore the new subject may have like quantum dynamics, robotics and AI (artificial intelligence), that computer field could have wanted to pursue sophisticated computation to prove its challenge speed and optimum design. They are used not only in technology but also used in economy like many modelling establishment to predict the tendency for deciding tactic. So we have to emphasize it from talents recruitment to their logistics for guaranteeing their smoothly doing research in resolving many problems meeting in science exploration [2]. The sustainably innovative talents for economy and stocks exchange will must be emphasized and continuously cultivated from general ones whose target may accumulate many candidates for the sake of picking excellently owned achievement expert ones. They may bring up new things and lead to advanced technique together with others [3-6].


Stock market tendency

The stock market like blood in body will contribute to monitoring one country economic status each day, therein its role can be wielded in resent economic development at all. The tendency of it has to be searched and judged by experts and counsellor frequently which may produce accordingly tactic to earn capital from stocks market. Below describing will include the resent tendency of stocks market in detail in China. Here, generally the destination and direction may be looked in order to process the investing exchange.

Table 1 The stocks name, IA(increase amplitude), profit status [2].

No. Stock Name IA, % Profit, Yuan
1 Dongfang Jiasheng 10 885
2 Dongfang Jiasheng 11 2,674
3 Fengli AI 13 1,232
4 Fengli AI 12 580

Table 1 may show that the [Dongfang Jiasheng] realizes 2,674 yuan profit with IA 11% whilst [Fengli AI] attains 1,232 yuan with IA 13%. At the same time, other two trainees could reach 885 yuan and 580 yuan respectively. [China Wandashan Xuele] Milk Powder can had following functions. 1. Reviving brain one; 2. complementary brain and benefit wisdom; 3. Strongly remembering one; 4. Family sharing one.

Table 2 The Stocks name and IA(increase amplitude) status [1].

No. Stock Name IA, % Price, Yuan
1 Wanfang Developing -2.48 3.54
2 Western Food -2.93 2.65
3 Chengdu Xiandao -1.81 11.41
4 Yingli Special -3.23 5.99
5 Fenghua High Tech -0.70 12.85
6 Runcheng AI -0.55 21.7
7 Qipai Tech -1.07 14.78
8 Tengjing Tech +0.13 23.62
9 Zuoyue AI -1.42 24.93
10 Dizhe Medicine +3.68 41.1
11 Rendu Bio +0.05 28.23


Table 2 may show that [Dizhe Medicine] realizes IA +3.68% with price per share 41.1 yuan forming biggest IA one. The [Yingli special],[Western Food],[Wanfang Developing] may attain the biggest minus IA -3.23%, -2.93%, -2.48% respectively. It explains that the medicine plate is activeness mostly and then [Tengjing Tech] and [Rendu Bio] with +0.13% and +0.05% in turns. [Yingke Rui] coded No. 300713 has increased 11% with anti force and exceed 13% daily; [Aote Xun] coded 002227 has increased 6.3% with the same and vibrating beyond 8%; [Jianqiao Tech] coded 603083 has increased 5% with the same; [Sanhui Electric] coded 002857 increases with anti force IT(increase limiting) and vibrating beyond 12% daily. [6] On June 18th, 2024 [Lihang Tech] has increased 8% impacting IT(increase limiting); [Cambrige Tech] has increased 7%; [Rangyuan Stocks] has attained beyond 5%; [Zhongbei Commu] has arrived 3%; [Deye Stocks] has increased 5% and accumulated beyond 10%. [3]

Stocks market analysis

There are three parts to indicate the recently economic state as below, which could be analytic ones for the whole stocks market tendency. We must learn the basis and main one for deciding tactic and plan. This is the whole developing analysis for us to identify.

New economy technique: Hard technique as a future industry base has provided traditional industry transforming and upgrading an important bond, our economy developing &transforming important driven force. It has promised to become creating new quality product as an important factor. Regardless of policies driven, industrial periodical and future growth space recently on behalf of hard technique value the electronic will be emphasized. [3] for example [Huiding Tech] includes ultrasonic wave finger printer, photo sensor, security chip has driven new enhancing.

Technique main line: With artificial intelligence and digital economy field accelerating, AI relevant chip and computing force becomes big fund number three investment emphasizing. Some institutions exhibit computing force chip and reserved one can become industrial link key joint. The big fund number three can delay to semi-conduct device and technique support, more possibly HBM etc high added value DRAM chip is ranging key investing object. [3] like [Tuowei Mess] who includes Huawei alignment AI soft and hardware in order to look for long periodical space.

Electricity reassembly: On behalf of artificial intelligence industry being key technique innovation, it has been regarded as a main battle of new quality product. In that surrounding AI industry contest Zhuhai high technique zone is accumulating talents and technique advantageous source which is already forming from chip design to big modeling and applied to the whole industrial links ecology as well. Like [Dalian Heat electric]. [3]

Talents for High Technique

In terms of Table 3 the Jilin University has total 33 peoples acquired academician which surpasses Tsinghua University, Peking University and University of Science and Technology of China and attains No.1. Academician as an important factor is going to affect one university. We should emphasize it and cultivate more academicians for dedicated to university even society. The No. 2 will be Harbin Institute of Technology who has the same people for acquiring this honour, and then Tsinghua University, Peking University, University of Science & Technology of China with No. 3~5 in turns. [4] Zhejiang University, Beijing Institute of Technology occupies No. 6 and 7 respectively. Jilin province has possessed Jilin University, Northeast University, On behalf of Chinese Academy Changchun ‘One Academy and Three Institutes’ it has many Big university, big Academy, big institute. Each one hundred thousand has exceeded 100 men, which aligns in former. In near five years Jilin province achieves many performances from the whole to the part, from industry to company, from plat to Talents, from items to capital and all directions & all coverage.

Table 3: 2019~2023 two Academies Academician statistics in China. (not including foreign ones; unit: man-time).


No. Name Chinese Academy of Science Chinese Academy of Engineering Total        
    Bachelor Master Doctorate Bachelor Master Doctorate  
1 Jilin U 12 5 2 7 5 2 33
2 Harbin Institute of Technology 3 4 6 6 6 8 33
3 Tsinghua U 4 2 10 6 10 32
4 Peking U 10 4 7 5 2 3 31
5 U of Science and Technology of China 14 9 5 2 30
6 Zhejiang U 4 4 4 10 1 7 30
7 Beijing Institute of Technology 4 3 3 8 5 6 29
8 Beijing U of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1 1 2 6 6 7 23
9 Nanjing U 8 3 6 2 1 2 22
10 National U of Defense Technology 6 4 4 3 1 3 20
11 Huazhong U of Technology 5 4 4 2 3 1 20
12 Lanzhou U 5 3 4 2 3 4 18
13 Sichuan U 5 3 1 6 4 2 18
14 Northwestern  Poly Technical U 2 1 3 3 3 4 18
15 Wuhan U 5 2 4 5 5 17
16 Central South U 2 1 4     17
17 Xi’an Jiaotong U 4 3 1 3 3 2 16
18 Xi’an U of Electronic Science &Technology 5 3 13 2 1 1 15
19 Tianjin U 3 3 1 2 2 4 15
20 Southeast U 3 3 4 2 1 1 14


Lenin as a great people has proposed Soviet Union new economic policy in his last two years occupied No.3 whilst another is Charles de Gaulle proposed details plan with no processing in the war who has died in 1970. At the same time No.1 and No. 4 is Chinese acquired that honour additionally [5]. Digital biology economy development has acquired a big achievement. The delicately distributive business may enhance gradually and key industry scale can quickly increase. Yangtze river triple region forms industrious accumulation. In north China and central China the main enterprises quantity is huge. Under nationally big fostering a pitch new technique can form constantly which leads to future biological manufacture direction and defines to future making pattern. That will be hot theme with biology goods. The second hot theme can be Yangtze River tripe integration. In 2019 including in Shanghai Qingpu, Jiangsu Wujiang, Zhejiang Jiashan(Qingwujia) ecologic green integration developing model zone in Yangtze river triple integration has established. As an Yangtze River triple integration developing strategic positive Qi and breaking point that zone would burden trial field and endeavour to create and construct the whole unit big market sample room. It results high quality and many integrative developing achievements [3].


As for the talents like academician of science and engineering they would play an important role in relevant field for contributing to improving country and society advance, so they have to be respected and have to be given good vacation opportunity and developing space. We should be good at finding them in many occasions like contest, journal, expertise reputation etc. and cultivate preliminary talents to have genius ones who like their expertise goodly. The course will be longer even some can be eliminated during that course, therein the corrective instruction have to be conveyed by leader of human resource, senior manager, president. The more candidates have been demanded to support those who are able to replace those for continuing to process new one in case of happening casual or simply seek one at all. In short the talents will be cultivated from children and corrective instruction may give, so they can grow smoothly to burden severely load in research and development department of company and institute of university. Additionally the socks market tendency can follow the quality counsellor advice including policy aspect, message one, technique one whilst referring to the resent stock price pulse and vibration the visible perspective will be caught firmly.


This work was financially supported by the Korea National Research Foundation, under the Specified Base program granted No. 96-0300-11-01-3.


[1] CCTV-Finance, June 11th, 2024

[2] Donganding-Yashang Investing & Counsel, June 5th~11th, 2024, WeChat, Internet

[3] Donganding-Yashang Investing & Counsel, June 13th~15th, 2024, WeChat, Internet

[4] Academician, 360AI search, Internet

[5] Tencent News, June 14th, 2024, Internet

[6] Huizheng Finance, June 16th, 2024, Internet