Journal Name : TESS Research in Research and Reviews

Gyeongsang National University, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, Chinju 52828, Korea

Corresponding author: Xu R, Gyeongsang National University, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, Chinju 52828, Korea; E-mail:

Received date: 31 May 2024; Accepted date: 1 June 2024; Published date: 2 June 2024

Copyright: © 2024 Xu R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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The high quality developing financial reformation will be established explicitly according to studying national policies with China central political bureau by president in 2024. The digital economy and artificial intelligence product will be prevalent particularly and currently in every corner of our society. At the same time, the stock market is to be replaced by AI diagnosis software where the tendency of stock price fluctuated with time can be reminded. The popularity stock can be dominant with the help of that kind of stock software like Solving Trap King. Sustainability financial institution will be advocated and supported with high quality developing reformation urgently and prioritizing to. Digital economy as an important entity has been wielding strong effective power impacting currently to conventional ones. Specially emphasizing on it will be granted as a new tendency currently where it utilizes its powerful influence into bill of traditionally paying and receiving behaviors in common transaction and shopping mall communities at the current prevalent situation. We should big advocate talents function in developing innovation product, software and offer them more position opportunities, developing space & logistics ensuring. Continuously to afford them optimum conditions make them to work conveniently and educate them to be expertise even experts. Only if talents should be regarded as a really qualified engineer he can do his best in working.

Keywords: High quality; Developing; Innovation; Financial institution; Current; Sustainability; Talents; sustain



This study will discuss the financial innovation of reformation through arranging different respects included the macro and micro institution reformation. The former is national bank and the latter is stock exchange corporation where the financial innovation prevails over dominantly. That has been becoming the destination for this study. From entity economy to stock exchange company the policies made by them will represent their justice and fair for dealing with customers. They can monitor and control the money flow where they allocate funds on the whole. Digital economy will wield its powerful monitoring function in light of the emergent situation at all of common routes and main streaming road for us to control the synchronized and reserved scenes. So that the detective has been attained securely and conveniently if there is any criminal behaviors. The entertainment industrial part can provide video effectiveness with three Dimensions fictive action scene exceeding out limitation with fascinating video effects. Some fiction films have afforded us several hundred years later events edited from fiction famous writers who could edit many splendid events and stories with imaging smart brain work. On the other hand, the cartoon program can afford sophisticated and virtual effects and functions for simulating the war and saving world episode. We should advocate the staffs for making virtual fact effect used in big films because they put their wisdom to making episode scene for our general ones and produce so many films in order to improve ticket selling with near billion yuan to promote the economic activity directionally. [1~7] The stock transaction will proceed under quick, stable and healthy principles which can be decreasing risk and earning more. If the price is low the fitting initial and secure customer is to take in and more shares will be earning more. All the joint needs the talents to proceed who is educated with disciplinarity subject in future development of institution and factory on the whole. That’s say the expertise talents will be needed in near future more and more with establishing new subject in university in the end. [8~10] The advanced expertise talents may become an important factor in R &D department of manufacturer who is to create new functional product with his experience. Therefore the enough opportunity, developing space & comfortable logistics working should be done carefully for solving those advanced and owning high technique talents. Only if they feel good the carefully innovation will be wielding and initiating in the course of research and development work [11-14]. We should cultivate continuously new energy talents for the sake of boosting economic level and financial reformation whose aim will develop and change people live style and mind method radically. At the same time, the stocks transaction is to be created generally whose target becomes earn more money through investing capital to market item ultimately [15].


High Technique products

Tesla declines Indian established and amplified demand and Maske’s stock reduces to the lowest level since sale badness and stock price declining. It produces cheap electric vehicle to export to China. Tesla Shanghai produces 49,800 in March and 36,100 in April which includes Model Y and Model 3 occupied 17% and 33% respectively in China. In former four months in light of China automotive industry association report Tesla has sold 287 hundred and thousand ones for those two models. The model 3 price attains 249-354 hundred thousand ones whose number is to be lowest from 2021 establishment in China. In China the allocation in 2023 attained 7.8% and declines to 6.8% in former four months this year. Model Y has reduced 20%, on the contrary Model 3 increases 10%. Whether in USA and Germany factory has the Model Y been decreased is not clear. Tesla sale and chargeable service person and production may be declined simultaneously. In 2023 60 hundred thousand vehicles had been sold and this year (2024) 60~70 hundred thousand ones will be planing to sell in China on the other hand. This year the destination will be 2 million ones and whether they decreases staff and production in the next half year is unclear yet [1]. There is a new financial meeting to happen for 2024 where high quality financial institution is proposed by China central political bureau and president in China. So the finance problem has to be provided to a new innovative project where it is the most important issue from last year. Therein the policy made by us is able to become a big theme at which it conducts the loan to express a reasonable and justice criterion for us to make in the end [1]. The financial reformation will be called as the blood of body whose effectiveness is going to make a vitalization of body due to its actively supportable vitalized role, therein the work may be very prompt and emergent for our policy maker to complete in predicted advance. With the central bureau spirit the detail work has to pursue in order to satisfy main kinds of different demands primarily that is saying that clarifies the main and small, big and little status firstly. So it enables the institution to make the policy easy to come out and determine its factor and effect on behalf of the common demand firstly and then improve it gradually within a time. The classified work has to be based on the different business and profitability whilst it ensures the virtual and actual data corrective ratio. Furthermore the whole course would be monitored and controlled by inspection institution on behalf of the enterprise beneficial with sustainability economy. The applied products can be created more and more upon continuously developing new one like chip, robot, nuclear application which could ultimately change our live quality and level for long time. From now on the perspective one may be searched through our engineering and professor endeavor and exploring positively. Therein, the constant new one could be forming from one generation to next generation. We will not only process wind turbine and photovoltaic power but also explore lunar base with launching exploring moon rocket and satellite & landing vehicle. Therefore, the high technique achievement has to be completed by our generation continuously.

Stock exchange principles

The initial 60 has arrived 4 yuan with big share more than 2,000 can earn easy money on May 15th stocks pool king [Xiaocheng Tech] has attained 20cm and in three dealing days increase beyond 20% whilst on May 22nd [Ankerui] has gained four increase limitings and four dealing days increase beyond 18% on May 25th, 2024 internal stock pool good one [Ankerui] has attained T+2 with anti-force attacking and promote increase amplitude 15% with Wednesday pushing price of 23.1 yuan and yesterday maximum one of 27.1 yuan. Ms. Zhang follows the operation and earns profit of 2,179 yuan already [13]. Today plate [Liyuan Limt] increase limiting. Yesterday [Shuangxiang Limit] has gained T+1 increase surpassing 15% and The day before yesterday [Guangxi Energy] has attained T+3 and big increase beyond 20% [14].

Figure 1 Scheme between shares and profits in light of the profit and total cost curve.

In Figure 1 the shares with cost could be exhibited whose A, B, C represents the shares of c, c′ & c′′ point in profit line. The c, c′ & c′′ point expresses the zero, a certain profit, complete one respectively while the risk has to increase too, so we better choose the share number bigger than c point which has been the intersection between total cost curve and profit line. The quadratic and linear equations model has been established in light of supposing labor、capital、product quantity ie. shares. The results exhibit 10,000 shares with the cost price 44 yuan and maximum price 52 yuan will be c point in Figure 1, so the more than 10,000 shares can be beneficial to us which may let us earn maximum 120,000 yuan. If the shares increase to c′′ point the biggest benefit can be acquired in spite of increasing risk. The c′′ point is more than 15,000 shares in light of calculating modeling.

Table 1: Recent achievement looking back in stock market in April and May 2024.


Selected Time   Code Name Increase amplitude, % Main line
2024-4-22   000922 Jiadian Limt 20 AI manufacture
2024-4-22   000738 Hangfa Control 13 Low air economy
2024-4-29   603970 Zhongnong Lihua 6.6 Chemical
2024-4-29   688777 Zhongkong Tech -9.3 New productive forces
2024-5-6   600363 Lianchuang Photoelectricity 2.4 Low air economy
2024-5-6   300724 Jiejia Weichuang 2.3 Chip+photovoltaic battery
2024-5-13   600642 Shenlin Limt 0.8 Electric force+high invidend
2024-5-13   300738 Lifei Tech 15 Computation+AI
2024-5-20   301280 Zhucheng Tech 0.4 Robotic conception
2024-5-20   601019 Shandong Pub 4.3 High invidend+ culture media


Table 1 shows that the maximum increase amplitude is 20% with [Jiadian Limt] having code number 000922 which proceeds AI manufacture on April 22nd, 2024. Then it is [Lifei Tech] and [Hangfa Control] with 15% and 13% increase amplitude with code 300738 and000738 proceeding computation +AI and low air economy respectively. On the other hand the baddest one is [Zhongkong Tech] with -9.3% IA proceeding new productive forces on April 29th, 2024. then [Shenlin Limit] and [Zhucheng Tech] have 0.8% and 0.4% IA to proceed electric+high invidend and robotic conception correspondingly. It may show the AI, computation, low air economy will be welcome bushiness currently and then chemical and chip will follow them, at last new productive force, robotics, electric force may express. It explains that the plate of AI and computation will maintain the highest position and then new one like productive force, robotics and electric force lies in the lowest position temporarily in April and May 2024 stock market.

Talents for recruiting in R & D department

People are the key to the success of every business, and they play a pivotal role in shaping corporate culture, improving organizational efficiency and achieving goals.

The importance of talent is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

  1. Innovation and creativity: Talent is the source of innovation, they have a unique way of thinking and keen insight, can find new opportunities and solve new problems. Through their creativity and innovative spirit, companies are able to continuously introduce new products and services to meet market demands and improve competitiveness.
  2. Knowledge transmission and inheritance: Talents are one of the most important assets of enterprises. They have rich professional knowledge and experience, and can provide valuable support and guidance for the development of enterprises. Through the training and cultivation of talents, enterprises can continuously improve their own ability and level, and achieve sustainable development and progress.
  3. Employee stability and loyalty: Excellent talents usually have a strong professional quality and sense of responsibility, they are willing to long-term development in the enterprise, and contribute to the development of the enterprise. This stability and loyalty can enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the enterprise, and promote the long-term development of the enterprise.
  4. Organizational efficiency and execution: Talent is one of the key factors of organizational efficiency, they can quickly understand and implement the organization’s decisions, and effectively transform resources into results. Through the rational allocation and effective management of talents, enterprises can improve the executive power and efficiency of the organization and achieve the established goals.

In short, talent is one of the key factors for the success of an enterprise, and their quality, ability and potential have a crucial impact on the development of an enterprise. Therefore, enterprises should pay attention to the cultivation, attraction and retention of talents to achieve sustainable development and success. Talents for recruitment need to be adopted by R &D [Research & Development] department in university or company who should be educated well by university. So the task will transfer to university and department and they may initiate new department for educating student and graduate to acquire Master and Doctorate degree in order to work in university or institution after graduating from university. The university has to become an important educating center to discharge a lots Bachelor, MS (Master of Science) and PhD (Doctor of philosophy) etc who can be employed by above units to become an advanced talent. They could proceed their cutting edge and sophisticated research and development enterprise continuously after being entry society. They can express some papers in expertise journal domestically and abroad to become an expert and professor. There are much difference between graduates so the correct choice has to be classified by recruiters. They can be clarified through Degree, university, department, achievement & score on resume. Good degree, department, achievement can be entering good national units while others would enter joint capital company even individual company.

Table 2 2024 QS World Top 50 Universities Rankings.

No. University Country No. University Country
1 MIT USA 26 Nanyang Technological U Singapore
2 U of Cambridge Brit 27 U of Hongkong China Hongkong
3 U of Oxford Brit 28 Johns Hopkins U USA
4 Harvard U USA 29 U of Tokyo Japan
5 Stanford U USA 30 U of C, Los Angeles school USA
6 Imperial College London Brit 31 Mcgill U Canada
7 Eth Zurich Swiss 32 U of Manchester Brit
8 National University of Singapore Singapore 33 Michigan U, Ann Arbor USA
9 U of College London Brit 34 Australian National U Australia
10 CU, Berkeley School USA 35  U of British Columbia Canada
11 U of Chicago USA 36 Lausanne Federal Polytechnic U Swiss
12 Pennsylvania U USA 37 Technical U Munich Germany
13 Cornell U USA 38 Polytechnic Institute of Paris France
14 U of Melbourne Australia 39 New York U USA
15 CIT USA 40 King’s College London Brit
16 Yale U USA 41 Seoul National U South Korea
17 Peking U China 42 Monash U Australia
18 Princeton U USA 43 U of Queensland Australia
20 U of Sydney Australia 44 Zhejiang U China
21 U of Toronto Canada 45 London School of Economics and Politics Science Brit
19 U of New South Wales Australia 46 Kyoto U Japan
22 U of Edinburgh Brit 47 Delft U of Technology Holland
23 Colombia U USA 48 Northwestern U USA
24 Paris Sciences et Lettres U France 49 Chinese U of HK China, HongKong
25 Tsinghua U China 50 Fudan U China

Table 2 shows that the front 50 universities in light of QS(Quacquarelli Symonds: British International Education Market Consult Corporation) world rankings in 2024. The current nine criteria have included in academic occupied reputation 30%, declining 10%; employer reputation 15%, raising 5%; paper cited number per teacher 20%; teacher and student rate 10%, declining 10%; international teacher rate 5%; student abroad 5%; international research web 5%, new; recruitment achievement 5%, new; sustainability 5%, new. [11] 2024 QS rankings have improved two maximum items included recruiting capacity and sustainability indexes which are accommodated in rankings system would become globally unique and concurrently including them system. It exhibits the MIT, U of Cambridge, U of Oxford, Harvard U, Stanford U, Imperial College London, Eth Zurich, National Singapore of U, U of College London, CU, Berkeley has been occupying front ten positions in turns and Chinese Peking U and Tsinghua U attains 17th and 25th position respectively. University of Toronto lies in 21st one while Mcgill University attains 31st and U of British Columbia attains 35th in Canadian University. It expresses that Canadian and Australian Universities owns more still. They are lying in a certain positions as an important index in this evaluation rankings. The USA owns the most 16 universities occupied 32% whilst Britain owns following 8 ones attained 16% and Australia owns 4 ones attains 8% in top 50 universities.  China mainland possesses 4 universities occupied 8% and HK has 2 universities occupied 4% while Singapore has 2 ones occupied the 4% too additionally. AI (Artificial Intelligence), Intelligence manufacture, new energy vehicle industrial chain etc. vigorous development and domestic market saturated, promote Chinese corporation towards global market to step. In that “not overseas, not occupied” we knew your met challenges. Look at world and catch globalization chance from human resource practice new notice, which will broadcast specially to introduce accordingly international talents recruitment and manage practice. It includes one is in completely unfamiliar business environment rule and law, and each country status different to copy experience, another one is lacking employer brand attraction and difficult to recruit and maintain globalizaion talents [6].


The enterprise would complete its earning money function under continuously amplifying to its extension field with help of bank sponsor. So stock market can reflect its effective behavior in daily index fluctuation where all kinds of factors can be embodied with three stock exchange centers. The government department should advocate healthy enterprise like films business for advertising national entity and spiritual courage. High end product like pure electric vehicle will be made in China which means the Chinese domestic manufacturer is about to resolve the high、precise、tip electronic key product by themselves. Tesla & BYD corp. new energy vehicle has been prevailing recently is also an example expressed the Chinese domestic market is going to be forming and it can be resolved by them while those vehicles are selling in China and world, which exhibits Chinese pure electric vehicle market is gradually occupying an importantly international market also. Talents in factory can be potential force on how to create new one with conveniently new method to afford the same one which can change or increase traditional product function. Therefore, the talents may be key factor for improving product quality and function ultimately. We hope to produce more expertise talents for the sake of meeting recently human resource demand not only in manufacturer but also in institution whilst the former can produce functionally product and the latter will search for dedicating to theory principles and exploring research forwards and further. We acknowledge to experts and their expertise in the end.


[1] Tencent News, May, internet

[2] Baisan Xie, Financial markets[M], 2015, Peking University Press, 16~20

[3] Huizheng Financial key consult, May, 2024, Wechat, Internet

[4] Shihai Liunian, Internet, May, 2024

[5] QS world university rankings, May, Internet

[6] Linked in, May 14th , mail, Internet

[7] Yashang Finance & consult, May, 2024, Wechat, Internet

[8] Liu S, Zhou L. The internal combustion engine to learn[M]. China Machine Press. 2017; 115-116.

[9] Yao X, Song J. Principle and application of wind turbines[M]. China Machine Press. 2020; 130.

[10] Chen K. Helicopter structure and systems[M]. Tsinghua University Press. 2020; 4

[11] Zhihu, May, 2024, Internet

[12] Guochenghui Choosing stock, Wechat, May 27th, 2024, Internet

[13] Donganding-Yashang counsel, Wechat, May 27th , 2024, Internet

[14] Hushunzhou-Huiozheng finance key counsel, Wechat, May 29th ,2024, Internet

[15] Run Xu, The Study for Sustaining Enterprise, Stocks Transaction Behaviour and Expertise Talents. TESS Res Res Rev., 2024, 3(2): 165.