Journal Name : TESS Research in Research and Reviews

Gyeongsang National University, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, Chinju 52828, Korea

Corresponding author: Xu R, Gyeongsang National University, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, Chinju 52828, Korea; E-mail:

Received date: 22 June 2024; Accepted date: 23 June 2024; Published date: 25 June 2024

Copyright: © 2024 Xu R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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This paper will afford a research paper which can explore new energy and stock transaction behavior provided to talents sustainability developing in high technique  which is continuously developing aspect. Enterprise as an important unit whose aim is going to process product with high technique one, therein with sustainably occupying high technique it will become more dominant. The stock market transaction can be leading to profiting behavior by talents who has enough knowledge and experience. Therefore the talents must be cultivated from many candidates dispersing in each corner of society and after educating them to look at the capability then adopt in fitting position for dedicating to mankind advanced progress. Stock talents will be treated goodly since they have leading capability for group to develop constantly. Specially mathematics talents could resolve the unsolved and creative problem met at our front, which could give us potential chance and scale artificial intelligent numerical method to live better than ever. We should continue to explore new department for accelerating our research and developing where so many interdisciplinary subject even departments have to be created at all. University must positively extend their subjects to be towards deeper and interdisciplinary developing destination. Like quantum computer that has been recently urgent developing technique as quantum physics and subsequently dynamics which can occupy more important physics position.

Keywords: Study; Sustain; Develop; Enterprise; High technique; Stock transaction; talents; Quantum computer



The innovative talent needs to be advocated in their new product and its software development by government and institute of university whilst the excellent position opportunity and space needs to grant them for satisfying their individual demand to maintain and create a convenient environment for them to work. To continuously educate them by employer is necessary and significant from the current situation which develops very fast. Therein, to persuade them to become excellent export will be an important working for leader and employer to do urgently. As we knew engineer has large teams but the expert has still maintained little. For the sake of promoting high technique level to higher one the more experts is demanded in relevant fields like key technique links for example engine design and making for vehicle even rocket for exploring outside celestial to live or not. We should know the possibility and how to get there, how to build basis construction for us to live like lunar planet, Mars, Venus etc. Maybe there is so many resource for exploiting but we still don’t know the detail up to now. All those problems need us to access into that planet to verify as well, so there is still eminent opportunity to search for them one by one and still has many thing to seek and find them. We really need to establish strategic plan from national side and collaborate commonly with others to continuously develop their exploration to get clear the situation and give suggestion and action to us. We should respect them for contributing themselves to human being enterprise for near future sincerely and look forwards to participating that great enterprise continuously As [1-7]. Only if the teacher can do the student will follow, which is conclusion in this paper.


Stocks Market Mathematics Method and talents for predicting vibration

Method for selecting stocks:

Figure 1 Schematic with profit line and total cost curve between shares and prices coordinate

Figure 1 shows that intersection c, c′ & c′′ point is able to explain the minimum, operation & maximum shares since two curves intersect here, so we should ensure that the shares will exceed c to acquire minimum profit i.e. zero, then be beyond c′ certain one will be attained, at last be beyond c′′ point we can earn maximum one. The potential stock would be chosen through the strong, stable, quick, price which may be analyzed through citing its data, new type, mathematics modelling. There is new corporation to be increasing suddenly fitting to short term operation with recommending and choosing individually it that could give us profitability rapidly. From western economic the most profitable can be resulted in light of related knowledge, thereby how many shares with buying price is able to be calculated through labour, capital and shares with parabolic and linear equation, which has been internal data for us to inference. Thereby the maximum potential profit may be known upon simulating formula, on the other side the more investing is the riskier capital will be that can become eternal theme for us to know here. Through simulating the manufacturer situation the equations would be supposed like labor, capital, quantity, buying demand and selling price for resolving the technique difficult joint and then from the maximum profitability condition to find the approaching conditions and results for processing reasonable logic inference to look for the correction and  precision. [Lihang Tech], [Jianqiao Tech], [Langyuan Limit], [Zhongbei Commu], [Deyu Limit] has increased price with 8%, 7%, 5%, 3%, 5% respectively on June 18th, 2024. [1] how to solve quilt cover? Firstly, we should see deficit amplitude! In light of that size for judging whether it is quilt cover and its depth. Normally buying a stock if deficit lies in 10% being normal, beyond 10% being quilt cover, beyond 20% being deep one, 30% being firmly quilt cover, 50% being deep one firmly. [1] The uncapping principles will include below as: stopping deficit principle, the short plate will be under 10%; replacing principle: once there is declining situation the weak and depressing ones will be same too; ostrich principle: from the theory if it need to be good fortune and not one with serious problem the uncapping will be solved in half or even one year; High selling and low buying one.

Talents with expertise and cross disciplinarily

Talents would be key factor for succeeding factory so they is about to be regarded as core capital in now modern society, thereby fostering them has to become the hottest word in future whose target will form as many as them for studying and working knowledge and sharing their experience with mutual cooperation. Human research as an important joint could execute a certain right to affect their exploring spirit in order to seek more talents for their units in relevant field. Not only in manufacturer but also in research unit can they play their roles on the expertise and make eminently achievement, which should be included in here. In many high technique corps like financial system, digital economic one, pure electric vehicle the talents may form a strong strength to produce high technique products to meet demands of that society. Furthermore, there is still many fields for our engineers and researchers to explore cross disciplinary subject contributing to modern society demands. We should coordinate with talents for developing more sophisticated subject to wield our advantageous item for resent demands through all kinds of subjects to meet and explore future social demands. The talents with specially mathematics knowledge can not only meet subject sides, but also satisfy innovative developing ideas, which may enhance our new industrial development positively since they can combine to physics and computer technique perfectly. Thereby the excellent ones can have crossing subjects capability for wielding their biggest roles in innovation department.  We should foster them with multi subjects for finishing current demands of crossing subject in different department forwards.

Mathematics and Artificial intelligence with high technique

The artificial intelligence and digital economy is about to be key role among data and computing cutting edge field whose target can be leading technique to progress society. So the subject may be positively processing from now on in research and developing division and institution of university according to not only nation strategic plan policies but also unit enterprise plan. Because the coordinating development between former and latter is able to create more effectively accelerated force in near future. We should not only anticipate the state aspect but also the corporation one, only if they cooperate hand in hand the better achievement could be created at all by owning both mathematics and relevant science talents. From software to hardware like computer science the melting subjective talents is about to eminently exhibit in the mathematics one and cross disciplinary science with regards to difficult manufacture and software design to become a perspective good to advertise into mankind behaviour of payment.

Mathematics talents importance: Mathematics talent can become central role for resolving sophisticated mathematical problem which may create huge dedication to our country, furthermore he could extend into the inter disciplinary subject additionally that is about to result in huge research space with sophisticated one principle in order to seek new trial in the view of the new world. That maybe bring up new methods like artificial intelligence technique which could judge the decision through deeply learning through largely inputting data. That course still demands mathematics formula to finish ultimately. Thereby they would be emphasized eminently to their cultivating issue. From now on to positively look towards them and give education is going to become eternal theme. We should continuously process for the sake of completing one by one mathematics problem cultivated from primary school to university and believe in more research achievement has to be realized through continuing endeavour and innovating spirit. The stock transaction service will include following respects: capital selection; wisdom investing tool; delicate course; capital research and newspaper; sweeping thunder diagnosis; people service.

Mathematics modelling talents capability: Mathematics talents could resolve modern sophisticated problem like predicting future stock price and promote society progress like space exploring, so upon building stock modelling with mathematics can help us to assist mankind making intelligent decision. At the same time, to focus on creative technique developing and emphasize data security and personal secret protection like key technique data and Bank card one. For the sake of enough applying them we still need to continuously cultivate and improve their technique capability fitted to the society demands thoroughly. The relevantly comfortable office and home condition may be given in order to decrease their complaint, contradiction, conflict etc… AI(artificial intelligence) as a creatively new technique can apply to many occasions for conveniently processing payment task which is going to become a new thing widely spreading over all the country simply depended on hand phone with not card or cash. That really a prompt and comfortable, convenient goodness regardless of having still security problem like secret code which should be guaranteeing not to leak by us. WeChat as a payment tool can be processing abroad with RenMinBi dealing even. That electronic paying behaviour could really become a prevalent trend instructing us live day by day.

Quantum computer research and its perspective

Quantum computer making and its research: The quantum computer has been an inter disciplinarily among computer science, physics, mathematics. The computer science includes software like process and hardware like CPU (central processing unit). The former would connect with mathematics whilst the latter could connect physics. Overlap and tangle will afford the physics characteristic that may be under searching and developing process like Lu Chaoyang and Fan Jianwei team in University of Science and Technology of China. The main barrier has been the working temperature at -130℃ which will be maintained with biggest difficulty according to a China Canadian worked in IBM (USA: International Business Machine) at Ottawa. If the temperature can become room temperature the fact is easy to deal with, so how to enhance it to room temperature will be important one. As an important device quantum computer may exhibit its excellent performance especially in computing speed which becomes huge advantageous point applying to substance internet and 5G communication etc. big data. Maglev train can realize its product twenty years ago and it has been transporting function in Shanghai and Changchun already. Doesn’t there have common side? Electric resistance becomes zero under 0K, which is super electricity. Can quantum CPU also realize the usually useful condition? [4]

Perspective with quantum computer: Its application will extend to commercial computer in future which bigger enhances the management speed and accommodation than ever. If new materials may process the room temperature the utility can become available, so the new component may be constantly trailed until the successful one can be finished, which is essential and complicated long course for our engineer to develop continuously. A quabit as a basis computation unit has been one electron or photon, even other particle. A quabit has a key feature which present not only 0 and 1 but also 0 and 1 overlay, so it means a quabit may present 0 and 1 simultaneously. Another one may be their tangle which is miracle physic phenomena that is saying two or many quantum may change so closely and cor relevant, so that one quabit can affect another one quantum state no matter how long way they are, which can be used for concurrent computed dealing with many task simultaneously [6]. In short, the high technique with sustainability will process society progress continuously which may be the future direction, so we must make strategic plan in advance then execute it with no doubt for producing creatively innovation life quality through technique improving gradually. That may be our destination for technician, engineer & lecturer, professor, researcher to continue to study and developing.  There are many items needed to a lot of talents to join, so educational system can cultivate many fitting ones for processing high technique research and developing in their units.


This article has discussed that high technique quantum computer will play a role in stocks market and educational field application whose aim is to process big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence etc. cutting edgy ones. Those technique is able to promote innovation and enhance people live quality. At the same time, education as a cultivating high technique talents has been a key role which is going to attract and instruct them by government and institutions so as to enhance the leader role in science. It may be believed that through cutting edge science technique with sustainably emphasizing the economic status and environment level is able to improve and enhance high quality live advantage at all whose aim will become eternal theme destination on how to join this activity everyone. So the whole environmental problem can be promoting immediately upon each one participating. Quantum computer as an important innovation can be used and searched in fact where the computing speed is going to attain 110~170GHz per second in order to generalize to new commercial computer many technique is going to be searched in light of present situation.


This work was financially supported by the Korea National Research Foundation, under the Specified Base program granted No. 96-0300-11-01-3.


[1] Donganding-Asian Business, June 24th, 2024, Internet

[2] AI Explorer, Internet

[3] Huizheng Finance, June, 2024, Internet

[4] Run Xu, The half-life period and radioactivity curves of D wave molecule, Social Science Learning Education Journal, 2020, 05(08): 294

[5]  Guochenghui Investment, June 22nd, 2024,  Internet

[6] Quantum computer, 360 searching, Internet