
The high quality developing financial reformation will be established explicitly according to studying national policies with China central political bureau by president in 2024. The digital economy and artificial intelligence product will be prevalent particularly and currently in every corner of our society. At the same time, the stock market is to be replaced by AI diagnosis software where the tendency of stock price fluctuated with time can be reminded. The popularity stock can be dominant with the help of that kind of stock software like Solving Trap King. Sustainability financial institution will be advocated and supported with high quality developing reformation urgently and prioritizing to. Digital economy as an important entity has been wielding strong effective power impacting currently to conventional ones. Specially emphasizing on it will be granted as a new tendency currently where it utilizes its powerful influence into bill of traditionally paying and receiving behaviours in common transaction and shopping mall communities at the current prevalent situation. We should big advocate talents function in developing innovation product, software and offer them more position opportunities, developing space & logistics ensuring. Continuously to afford them optimum conditions make them to work conveniently and educate them to be expertise even experts. Only if talents should be regarded as a really qualified engineer he can do his best in working. At the same time, with increasing to 52 yuan per share the 10 thousand share will be wanted with maximum profit 120 thousand yuan, meanwhile, more than 20 thousand shares will afford pure profit. They are results only from theoretically quadratic function and linear one the practical inspection has to be proceeded again. It is known that the more capital investment needs more risk on a general principle.

Keywords: High quality; Developing; Innovation; Financial institution; Current; Sustainability; Talents; sustain; Principle; Transaction


This study will discuss the financial innovation of reformation through arranging different respects included the macro and micro institution reformation. The former is national bank and the latter is stock exchange Corporation where the financial innovation prevails over dominantly. That has been becoming the destination for this study. From entity economy to Stock Exchange Company the policies made by them will represent their justice and fair for dealing with customers. They can monitor and control the money flow where they allocate funds on the whole. Digital economy will wield its powerful monitoring function in light of the emergent situation at all of common routes and main streaming road for us to control the synchronized and reserved scenes. So that the detective has been attained securely and conveniently if there is any criminal behaviors. The entertainment industrial part can provide video effectiveness with three Dimensions fictive action scene exceeding out limitation with fascinating video effects. Some fiction films have afforded us several hundred years later events edited from fiction famous writers who could edit many splendid events and stories with imaging smart brain work. On the other hand, the cartoon program can afford sophisticated and virtual effects and functions for simulating the war and saving world episode. We should advocate the staffs for making virtual fact effect used in big films because they put their wisdom to making episode scene for our general ones and produce so many films in order to improve ticket selling with near billion yuan to promote the economic activity directionally [1-5]. The stock transaction will proceed under quick, stable and healthy principles which can be decreasing risk and earning more. If the price is low the fitting initial and secure customer is to take in and more shares will be earning more. All the joint needs the talents to proceed who is educated with disciplinarily subject in future development of institution and factory on the whole. That’s say the expertise talents will be needed in near future more and more with establishing new subject in university in the end. The advanced expertise talents may become an important factor in R &D department of manufacturer who is to create new functional product with his experience. Therefore the enough opportunity, developing space & comfortable logistics working should be done carefully for solving those advanced and owning high technique talents. Only if they feel good the carefully innovation will be wielding and initiating in the course of research and development work [6-10].


High end products like chip & films

The beneficial enterprise will have characterized new content wielding one where the reformation new innovation can be exhibited like fictional content etc..the government should look for and find the scenario collectively and make advantageous privilege for example encouraging and privilege capital. Seven nanometer chip technology will be proceeded by Huawei therein the huge benefit could be attained, which can be advocated and advertised. Such key technique can be maintained by China and continue to search more technology for us to be processing since those techniques are only grasped by several countries and manufacturer. China and America trade friction has been happening frequently due to that matter so we should keep calm to deal with it. Those high end products was dominated by America companies and now China is able to produce them which expresses China will become world No. one position in those advanced manufacture aspect. China must carefully consider current situation for owning such high technique and boldly step next plan continuously and establish more potential customer’s relationship with domestic and overseas buyers. To hope China is able to progress its step towards higher level to realize its modernization status. We must consort and continue to progress towards our destination continuously. If we have enough high technique the trade will become easily smooth to realize one belt one road initiative for amplifying our trade field. The other will be military strong power which can defense our trade economic relationship with other country. Digital economy will wield its powerful monitoring function in light of the emergent situation at all of common routes and main streaming road for us to control the synchronized and reserved scenes. So that the detective has been attained securely and conveniently if there is any criminal behaviours. On the other hand, the fiction film making is going to benefit from the whole country and world fans with bigger capital attaining several billions yuan. So recent film making is about to become hot news since its huge video effectiveness has been charming many film enthusiasms some of who can see several times even. The ones like big action films could be made for more than one year and spent ten billions dollars, because its exceptionally effectiveness is being built they can successfully ferry the river and can earn several times benefits at all. Some films like «Gojira» have acquired very high evaluation by fans and maker reviewers due to completing high technique modeling effectiveness. The technique team may lead complicate action applied to acting Hong Kim successfully which may attain the strongly video effectiveness like reliving Hong Kim activity been several hundred meters body. The editor has used Hong Kim as a main clue to initiate the contradiction between people and they resulted a war to end it. Its tragedy result can attract all of us to regret its death in the end since the intrinsic relationship has been not consistent with people, which may reminder us think over and over. By judging the scenario the bigger Hong Kim is different with people who can destroy our normal live for becoming a major making edition. Another one like «Mission: impossible» describes a story that exceptionally training spy has to work with other secret agents for completing a secrecy mission whose aims can invade enemy internal equipment implementing an important task. The scenario has been edited secretly and mysteriously the action finishes with perfect activeness which results better effectiveness within spy battle films. Owing to huge exceptionally active action they would be accepted by fans & authority and could acquire hugely and successfully beneficial achievement. We should consider the phenomena successfully and know the ultimately created cause contributed to maintaining society stability and perspective continuously.

Stock exchange principles with computing

Huizheng individual data system includes recruiting data system; high management exchange monitor one; aligning position; surrounding capital movement; big matter secret solution [3]. [Haohua Electron] with code 601101 attains 13% increase amplitude under buying price 8.48 yuan and 8.97 yuan stop profit one; [Wangbian Electric] with 603191 realizes T+1 (buying one day later sell) and anti-force stop profit 6.8%. Which has been electric equipment plate owning plate efficiency from bottom to top stop profit. [Yangdian Tech] has a internal buy price with 21.7 yuan and maximum price 31.3 yuan which acquires increase amplitude 20%. [Xichang Electric] has five days four plates with increasing amplitude 20%. [Hainan Highway] has been maximum highway and estate in Hainan province whose stocks realize T+3 and increase amplitude 20% with buy price 4.8 yuan and maximum price 5.6 yuan on May 10th, 2024. [Aofei Data] has internal buy price 10.9 yuan and maximum price 11.6 yuan forming T+2 to increase amplitude 6.4% where Mr Xie acquires 3,000 yuan whilst [Yangdian Tech] has the same price with 21.7 yuan and 31 yuan to increase 20% where Mr Xu earns 17 thousand yuan. [3] In general, the quantity ratio smaller than 1, transferring ratio smaller than 5% and larger than 10%, market value smaller than 5 billion and lager than 20 billion yuan ones should be picked off [7]. [Hangxin Tech] has attained internal price15 yuan and maximum one 17 yuan with big increase 8%. Trainee Wang earn 1,200 yuan whilst trainee Kang earns 1,400 yuan. [Ningbo Semu] has arrived T+1 increase amplitude 23%, so a trainee within two days earns 4,600 yuan.

Figure 1: Scheme of stock unit prices and shares in stock market for one usual status. The A & B presents A shares and B shares price lied on stock cost curve accordingly.

When the company stock has been bought with certain shares the status for optimized one would be exhibited as Figure 1 where those tendencies are described within the three beneficials. Figure 1 could show that the beneficial aspects from customer̖ Stocks Company and stocks cost in light of the curve of the price per share and shares. The curve named stock cost here is going to control the stocks cost in terms of controlling shares̖ labour and capital in the course of investing money. From Figure 1 it is shown that A shares would have higher stock cost, meanwhile, the stocks company may be declining stock benefit. As discussing in B shares higher stock benefits may be maintained which expresses the higher stocks shares is about to more risk to customer and cheaper cost when the shares become more like B share. When the price is 40 yuan the shares will become 5,000 which may be turnover c point. So more than that value can be beneficial shares according to simulating computation in this study. Here the K is 29 yuan and Pl & Pk may be 10,000 yuan jointly meanwhile K is capital yuan and Pl & Pk is labor and capital price. Table 1 shows that the beneficial shares with various prices in details where we can observe that the price become the more the shares will be the little. Thereby, from the unit cost curve Figure 1 can show that the increase price can make jointly earning, on the contrary the decrease one will let us lose capital commonly. The more shares may have brought out more benefit although it has a certain risk. The companies have been more beneficial if the more shares is bought. Therein, the shares must be larger than the intersection c point between average cost and stock buying price line which is able to acquire the most money for decreasing customer shares meant the least cost. Meantime, the corresponding risk has been increasing as well if the shares exceed that point. When selling decrease price is lower than buying one the damaged revenue would be formed for example the amount between buying price and the dot dash line whose profit might be benefiting to stock cost to take into account creating less cost.

Table 1: The beneficial shares with different prices in stocks market.

No. Price, Yuan Beneficial shares, 1000 No. Price, Yuan Beneficial shares, 1000
1 1 300 4 15 20
2 5 70 5 20 10
3 10 30 6 40 5


Figure 2: Scheme between shares and profits in light of the profit and total cost curve.

In Figure 2 the shares with cost could be exhibited whose A, B, C represents the shares of c, c′ & c′′ point in profit line. The c, c′ & c′′ point expresses the zero, a certain profit, complete one respectively while the risk has to increase too, so we better choose the share number bigger than c point which has been the intersection between total cost curve and profit line. The quadratic and linear equations model has been established in light of supposing labor, capital, product quantity ie. Shares. The results exhibit 10,000 shares with the cost price 52 yuan will be c point in Figure 1, so the more than 10,000 shares can be beneficial to us which can make us earn maximum 120 thousand yuan [10]. If the shares increase to c′′ point the biggest benefit can be acquired in spite of increasing risk. The c′′ point is more than 17,000 shares in light of calculating modelling. Table 2 expresses that the partly excellent stocks will be included in March, 2024 on Chinese stocks market. It is exhibited that [Nanfang Precision] and [Chifeng Gold] has attained increase amplitude 20% commonly and then minus increase amplitude will be gained as [Zhongkeruan], [Shiji Huatong] etc. Therefore the corrective stocks will be chosen by us like former two which can earn the most money upon recognizing the promise ones with short terms, quickness and health from excellent stocks pool through being helped from expertise man after expending about 568 yuan per year.



Table 2: The partly excellent stocks evaluating individual statistic in March, 2024.


No. Selective Date Name Increase Amplitude, %
1 March 15th Zhongsheng Pharm 7
2 March 18th Nanfang Precision 20
3 March 19th Chifeng Gold 20
4 March 20th Zhongkeruan -10
5 March 21th Shiji Huatong -7.6
6 March 22th Guoxin Culture -6.4
7 March 25th Jiangshu Huazhen 11
8 March 26th Sanfu Huwai 14
9 March 27th Guoyao limited 7
10 March 28th Guohua Wangan -9.5
11 March 29th Rifa Jingji 8.4


Talents for recruiting in R &D department of enterprise and institution

Xi Jinping on Talents Work Narrated Abstract》includes 1. insisting on party to completely lead to human resource; 2. firmly confirming human resource to lead developing position; 3. insisting on world frontier technique,on economic main war、facing on national serious demands、on people life health; 4. completely enhancing talents to be independently foster quality, good using and live using all kinds of talents; 5. deeply developing talents institution and constitution reformation, complete activating all kinds of talents innovative activity; 6. managing recognizing talents, cherishing him, respecting him, using talents; 7. big advocating scientist spirits. [7] National Bureau of Statistics announces on May 17th, 2024 that in 2023 our country economy recovery forwards goodly, social development stabilizes, employee increases, city unit employee annual average salary generally increases and actual increase speed is higher than last year. [6] in light of National Bureau of Statistics’ labor salary investigation for 1.5 millions scale enterprises and 0.7 millions sample units in 2023 city non private units employee a year average may be 1.206 hundred thousand yuan and may enhance 5.8% which is lower than last year 0.9%; city private units employee a year average salary can be 68 thousand yuan and promote 4.8% which is 1.1% higher than last year. Subtracting price factor later the above two kinds of unit employee average salary actually may increase 5.5% and 4.5% respectively which may increase higher than last year 0.9% and 2.8%. financial and mineral business salary average level maintains higher increase whilst financial one average salary increase speed in non private units and private ones can be 13.4% and 13.1% meanwhile, mineral one may be 11% and 10% respectively.

Table 3: The universities rankings with the world first department numbers in China. [4]


No. Name Dept Listed number No. Name Dept Listed number
1 Zhejiang University 53 7 Sicuan Univeristy 42
2 Zhongshan University 52 8 Fudan University 42
3 Shanghai Jiaotong University 50 9 Zhongnan University 41
4 Peking University 49 10 Huazhong University of Technology 41
5 Tsinghua University 48 11 Nanjing University 40
6 Wuhan University 46 12 Xiamen University 40


In Table 3 the university aligning situation will be exhibited where Zhejiang university、 Zhongshan university, Shanghai Jiaotong university, Peking university, Tsinghua university, Wuhan university etc occupies from first to sixth position among Chinese universities in 2024, and the corresponding number is 53, 52, 50, 49, 48, 46 etc. The Xiamen University number attains 40 in turn. It expresses that the world first department number is going to increase gradually with new one continuing to join for forming new cross disciplinarities like AI (artificial intelligence), robotics. There are more department demands in universities for potential student to participate by now in first universities in China. In this paper the sustainability enterprise and stocks market is about to be discussed and talents for preparing that project about to be searched while the university will wield its utilities on the whole, therefore the cross disciplinarities would open a new reformation and innovation jointly. To hope more owning advanced technical talents will be cultivated with scientifically educating expertise ones has to be exhibited all the time. Many potential fringed disciplinarities should be developed continuously them contributed to make a big role at all. In short, talents regarded as an excellent one who can be educated well in university and may pursue his cause continuously would be high technique one demanded urgently by institution and university. So how to wield their capacity will become an important agenda recently enough developing space and reward is about to be accordingly meeting problem for us to proceed further in future and from now. The stocks market should choose short terms, quickness, and health stock company for dealing capital because they are stabilized small price. Talents in factory can be potential force on how to create new one with conveniently new method to afford the same one which can change or increase traditional product function. Therefore, the talents may be key factor for improving product quality and function ultimately. We hope to produce more expertise talents for the sake of meeting recently human resource demand not only in manufacturer but also in institution whilst the former can produce functionally product and the latter will search for dedicating to theory principles and exploring research forwards and further. We acknowledge to experts and their expertise in the end.


The enterprise would complete its earning money function under creating benefit and amplifying to its extension field with help of bank sponsor. So stock market can reflect its effective behavior in daily index fluctuation where all kinds of factors can be embodied with three stock exchange centers. The government department should advocate healthy enterprise like films business for advertising national entity and spiritual courage. High end product like chip will be made in China which means the Chinese domestic manufacturer is about to resolve the high, precise, tip electronic key product by themselves, so that old technology could be replaced by modern high precise device is available now. BYD corp. new energy vehicle has been prevailing recently is also an example expressed the Chinese domestic market is going to be forming and it can be resolved by them while some of vehicles are selling abroad, which exhibits Chinese pure electric vehicle is gradually occupying an importantly international market also. [Tianbao Infr] has acquired 11% increase amplitude with buy price 3.3 yuan and sell one 3.6 yuan where Ms. Shijingfeng earns 8,800 yuan. [Shanggong Shenbei] acquires T+0 with increase limiting 10%. Talents must be wielding their positively activity included both spirit and body respects who are a based on people and then their ability and contribution. So they need to be educated and trained through spirit and substantial ones at universities, which is concluded in this paper according to Xi Jinping on talents work abstract. We should raise highly communism flag centered on people policies and done on them. Then we should follow the communist party and as last advocate cutting edge scientist spirit.


[1] Tencent News, May, internet

[2] Baisan Xie, Financial markets. 2015, Peking University Press, 16~20

[3] Huizheng Financial key consult, May, 2024, Wechat, Internet

[4] Shihai Liunian, Internet, May, 2024

[5] QS world university rankings, May, Internet

[6] Yantai Evening Newspaper, May 18th, 2024, A04

[7] News Report, Jiangsu Satellite Television, May 15th, 2024

[8] Liu S, Zhou L. The internal combustion engine to learn. China Machine Press. 2017; 115-116.

[9] Chen K. Helicopter structure and systems. Tsinghua University Press. 2020; 4

[10] Run Xu, The compare modelling of maximum profit and its quantity with different cost and demand in stock share on economics IV, 2022, Sun Text Rev Mat Sci 3(1):145.