Journal Name : TESS Research in Research and Reviews

Gyeongsang National University, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, Chinju 52828, Korea

Corresponding author: Xu R, Gyeongsang National University, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, Chinju 52828, Korea; E-mail:

Received date: 27 April 2024; Accepted date: 29 April 2024; Published date: 30 April 2024

Copyright: © 2024 Xu R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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The high quality development sustainability economy and finance would become prevalent recently due to establishing a new innovation economy by modern transformation demands of new energy resource. Therein the all kinds of methods have been regulated for satisfying future new constitutional market demands where the educated talents will be wielding an important role so that their support force and developing space should be provided by government and corporations more and further. Finance innovation as a creative aspect should be melting with economy who can afford more support to sustainability one. The stocks may reflect the financial and economic progress so that its role will be considered as an important indicator. The interdisciplinarity has been coming from two and three subjects so the diversification ones will be created for more further complicated department and discipline to resolve difficult matters. Detailed discussion will be done like clean energy、retirement situation recently in China. The retirement should be granted as higher salary than others for their contributing to society and family.

Keywords: Development; High quality; Sustainability; Economy; Finance and stocks; Clean energy; Retirement salary



The modern society will need new institution and mechanism characteristic for promoting the new upgrade system to develop high efficient and high quality economic level to resolve the green system state which may be wasted and overused by us more now. For the sake of solving that difficulty all of us must positively be entry this reformation to pursue our endeavor for dedicating to green environmental problem not only by spirit but also by action urgently. Only if all of us dedicate to there the clean problem will be ultimately solved, which is concluded in this study. Therein from now on we don’t ignore the new environmental matter and consider that it is not related to us, we must consider that severity to our health and our generators and contribute to it firstly. Financial innovation has been a method to support sustainability one and it is put the important position by our central division. Thereby the urgent critical situation has been met currently. We must promote our banks to support the innovation entities to realize its role smoothly. Finance is like a blood in body so only when it smoothly flow can our body be healthy and active. Many departments would have been participated to those activity for improving our financial reformation and innovation which can be gained. We are needed to participate those reformation continuously. The stocks market like a mirror reflecting the economic status every day as a financial tool which can be advocated, therein the whole economy status may be reflecting in stock market as a linear index. MACD(moving average convergence and divergence) and K line etc is reflecting today economic progress which may be influenced by policies and political matter & economy damage. So we need to monitor its trend every moment for current political situation and meanwhile the benefit will be formed everyday which may be included. The benefit will be ultimate aim for us to pursue stock trend and survive [1-7].



Developing high quality economy will include financial and stocks innovation firstly. Because the latter two would represent the important factor for affecting sustainability economy prior to others they can be proceeded in advance for supporting the former one. The latter must be made with policies and poured into the former sustainability economic body then, therein the latter two may be wielding its blood property in entities bodies may form the positively active temper to survive with latter. It should be known that the advantageous conditions would create the whole entities survival. The detail narration will be stated as below three aspects.

Financial stocks market innovation

Figure 1: Schema between profits and shares in light of the profit line and total cost curve.

In Figure 1 the shares with cost could be exhibited whose A, B, C represents the shares of c, c′ & c′′ point in profit line. The c, c′ & c′′ point expresses the zero, a certain profit, complete one respectively while the risk has to increase too, so we must choose the share number bigger than c point. The official price 2,998 yuan/year to preferential price 618 yuan/year for providing company serving quantity for Huizheng Finance in China, Shanghai city. [ZHZJ], [TYCZ] selling profit 9,400 yuan and 910 yuan with putting 100,000 yuan and 8,000 yuan stock money by two earners respectively in light of News report, Wechat on April 26th, 2024. As an significant indicator of financial reformation the stocks market exchange would be put the first position for finishing their benefit function to us who can pursue the invest money and make profit from the stock exchange. We know that the money to buy stock will be firstly and then buy a certain share after choosing stock secondly. Therein how much and how to choose will become important two factors which determines the how much we could earn and failure, so the investment shall be prudent and careful. The detail situation will be analyzed throughout the material distributed in news about the advantageous stock and track one. The short term and stable & healthy one will be two aspects to determine the capital where the quick、̖̖stabilized、healthy one can be made. The more capital we put the more risk we can gain so the more profitability may be earned. On the other side the strengthening one will become a characteristic in stock market operation as well. That means the short term, quick, strengthening can be another strategical tactic.  Thereby, the quantity more than c′ will be profiting more money whilst c′′ will be earning most money according to the modelling calculation of middle stock prices with quadratic and linear equations as mentioned above. This paper would not ensure that the earning money must happen in light of the mentioned advice value since the risk should be prudential under much consideration. North Capital has indicated overseas institution investors primarily who own much capital and expertise research capability & collecting information teams. Since North Capital has been prior to domestic one step the smart capital may be named as A stock indicator.

Sustainability economy

Figure 2: The clean energy classification in recent years.

In Figure 2 the new energized innovation would be classified to four aspects who are hydraulic, wind generator, solar photovoltaic and nuclear one respectively. The wind generator and photovoltaic may indicate the new energy utilization example for using in wide field on the world. On the other side, nuclear plant could be newer one and consider its effectiveness due to leaking nuclear contamination like Fukusima nuclear plant assembly. We should advocate the bottom two for the sake of maintaining its security and economic save besides their environmental factor. As shown in Table 1 the retirement salary in China is exhibited per year. The first ranking will be Xizang Province with salary of 117,064 yuan and the followings will be Beijing, Shanghai, Qinghai, Shanxi, Xinjiang, Tianjin, Shanxi, Yuannan, Guangdong in turns from 2 to 10. At the same time, the last five provinces are to be Jilin, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sicuan, and Chongqing [3]. Recently No. 135 Guangzhou Trade Expo is proceeding to be prevalent anticipating for 215 countries and territories with 1.44 hundred and thousand purchasers to join, meanwhile opening beyond 600 trade promoting activities whose number and kind creates historical new summit. There are trade enterprises to feed back that this time effectiveness will be very good [6].

 Table 1: Retirement salary ranking in China.

Ranking Province & municipalities Salary/Year


Ranking Province & municipalities Salary/Year
1 Xizang 117,064 17 Guangxi 42,529
2 Beijing 65,041 18 Fujian 42,222
3 Shanghai 60,977 19 Hainan 41,748
4 Qinghai 58,220 20 Zhejiang 40,983
5 Shanxi 53,401 21 Jiangshu 39,994
6 Xinjiang 51,562 22 Hubei 39,571
7 Tianjin 50,273 23 Henan 39,457
8 Shanxi 47,995 24 Liaoning 38,851
9 Yuannan 47,240 25 Anhui 38,572
10 Guangdong 46,304 26 Heilongjiang 38,702
11 Ningxia 44,631 27 Jilin 38,197
12 Shandong 44,147 28 Hunan 35,918
13 Hebei 43,567 29 Jiangxi 34,367
14 Gansu 43,252 30 Sicuan 34,246
15 Guizhou 43,153 31 Chongqing 32,530
16 Mongolia inner 43,119      

We should improve the retired employee salary for promoting their economic level and quality where the human right and contribution needs to be expressed completely. Since they has experience in working period and retirement later we shall respect them and get good advice in economic activity and utilization besides the accumulated working time making them dedicator to the society. On the whole, the salary level will exhibit the regional and country economic high and low so that we must pay more attention to people’s live quality and level due to expressing the innovation and development of economic condition. With regards to the high salary region the maintaining the recent achievement will be occupying while the low one need to continuously develop backward regional economy to keep up with the former and main flow. The whole common development would be created in recent years should become a heat issue to talk about later in tea time on behalf of the weakness force.

Talents for Research & development

Shenyang Institution of Metals has been affiliating to Chinese Academy of Sciences with 1,700 staffs whose research aspects may include super high property material design and making under nanometer dimension; material and process design based on computation; rapidly solidified non equilibrium alloys; material fatigue and fracture. It will recruit researcher who has a material related PHD degree diploma from all over the Chinese territory in order to exploring their perspective on materials field. Many excellent candidates have been entry that unit for realizing their dream. The national institution like SIM will be accommodating all of talent pursuing the metallic direction innovation.

Figure 3: Schema of interdisciplinary department in R &D department with other one in factory.

In Figure 3 the new interdisciplinary one would be formed in R & D department in a manufacturer which is able to express the innovative one created here in this paper. Four departments will be able to form the same interdisciplinary one while four forms three interdisciplinary ones correlative with each other. The three interdisciplinary ones has been formed from the figure where the more complicated departments are going to be created as the shadow parts there. Weidendorf pure milk produced from Germany would contain energy 198KJ with 2%, protein 3.5g with 6%, fat 1.5g with 3%, carbohydrate 4.9g with 2%, sodium 50ml with 3% and calcium 120ml per 100ml with 15% (NRV%:nutrient reference value percentage) accordingly. It can offer enough nutrient contain to our brain for thinking about cutting edge technical knowledge smoothly. Thereby the certain nutrient materials needs to be absorbed each day for possessing enough psychosis base. Specially with regards to youth students joining university entrance examination and graduate one nutrient materials like milk should be paid attention to drinking a certain in order to improve their wisdom force with participating to big scale study. Every day the regular absorbing nutrient can be usefulness to the body specially human being height through complementing calcium


The stock market should be classified into the choosing stock, a certain shares and selling one, so the buying stock will be an important factor to be think over. How quantity to buy and when to sell becomes second ones. From the simulation the certain shares are needed to buy what is to be the stock price, which can be sought with c point. More than that point the profit will be earned while the risk could be increasing. The clean energy and retirement salary are the part of sustainable economy aspects where the detail diversity has to be formed better with corresponding enhancement plan. Interdisciplinary can be constructed with two and three disciplines which creates the innovative subjects for sustainability economy and finance, so that they must be searching and exploring on the long views. The retirement salary has to be progressed continuously on behalf of weak group who is to express their experience and knowhow for suggesting new innovative substance.


[1] Tencent News, April 21st, 2024, Internet

[2] Baidu Baike, 2024, Internet

[3] Tencent News, Afternoon April 21st, 2024, Internet

[4] Donganding-ABC, WeChat, April 22nd, 2024, Internet

[6] e-mail, April 22nd , Internet

[7] Asian Business & Consult Company, WeChat, Internet